It is difficult to know the precise motivation for setting the committees up but we can speculate that the initial purpose was to assist Jehovah's Witnesses in locating physicians were were supportive of providing alternative "non-blood" therapy as well as to assist physicians in learning how to treat Jehovah's Witnesses without forbidden blood products. The use of blood serum, clotting factors and albumin predate the HLC arrangement.
HLC's will typically be summoned when local elders become aware of congregation members who are running into difficutly obtaining non-blood alternative therapy. They have also come to be the "front line" for educating JW's about the acceptability of various blood products or procedures that JW's may use with the WTS blessing. Like all elders, including the Hospital Visitation Groups, they will feel compelled and duty bound to report any knowledge of deviation from current WT policy which will lead to judicial investigation and potential disassociation with the accompanied shunning.
Lee Elder